Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween - How Not to Make Caramel Apples

Buy Purple Spartans at the Farmers Market 2 weeks ago - deep red skin that polishes up beautifully -sometimes called lunch box apples because they are not too big and don't bruise easily - sweet and juicy too.

Search the Internet for recipes that don't involve syrup, molasses, caramels, or candy thermometers because its 9:30 pm and its too late to go shopping.
Let your son poke the apples with the skewers because he really likes poking things with sticks but tell him after each one that its the last one he is doing and that he really needs to go to bed now.
Add 2 tbsp butter to pan and then 2 cups dark brown sugar to pan over high heat - note recipe calls for light brown sugar over low heat and gentle boil but go your own way instead.
Wonder why the melted sugar is still gritty - add sweetened condensed milk to compensate - not in recipe
Leave pot unattended to put son back to bed. Listen to him maintain he can't sleep - its just too exciting to think about his Death Eater Ring Wraith skeleton faced double nunchaka carrying costume.
Go back to kitchen to find burned bottom of sugar mixture - but not too burned - tastes a bit brule.
Dip apples - search for something to dip the dipped apples in to cover up the strange looking caramel with the burned bits.
Settle on almonds - press into apples - Looks good.
Inadvertently break stick on apple as nuts pressed in - take a deep breath - continue more carefully.
Give dipped apple to son.
Verdict - "pretty good for your first try at caramel apples" thumbs up sign
Give another apple to husband
Verdict - "delicious - can I have another"
Son now asleep - wonder if soporific effect due to apple or just coincidence, fleeting thought about Snow White.
Try apple yourself.
Verdict - "Actually pretty good"


leslie said...

I love carmel apples... but try to stay away from them... I love the ones that William Sonoma sell at this time of year. OH YUM. I want to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. Life goes on and I'll miss my little Gracie but she is in a better place. Thanks for caring!

Jo said...

Oh Yum! England hasn't caught onto to caramel apples for Halloween - but I used to love them as a kid - maybe I should make some anyway! Happy Halloween ;-)

Laurie said...

Oh MY yes,- I'm guessing you'll slightly scorch all future batches... Thanks for delurking, and I'll visit often!

Kimberly said...

Haaaa! Love it...

Favorite part: "Death Eater Ring Wraith skeleton faced double nunchaka carrying costume" LOL